Introduction to OBRequests ========================== OBRequests is pretty different compared to most HTTP clients, so reading the introduction is worth while. OBRequests is built on-top of HTTPX ----------------------------------- 1st thing to be understood is that OBRequests is built on-top of HTTPX, reading the developer interface page on HTTPX documentation goes into details around what HTTP parameters you can pass to OBRequests. HTTPX aims to be "A broadly requests-compatible API." So if you're use to the requests library this shouldn't be anything new. The basics ---------- Base #### "Base" refers to the base client of OBRequests, everything is applied globally, unless overwritten in a Method or Route. .. code-block:: python from OBRequests import OBRequests, BasicAuth, CallBack, json class Requests(OBRequests): pass request = Requests( responses={ 200: CallBack(json), # If the status code equals run "json", unless overwritten in a Route or Method }, base_url="", headers={"some-header": "value"}, # Applies headers to every request auth=BasicAuth("username", "password"), # Applies basic auth to every request awaiting=False # Change to True to make requests async ) # Makes a get request to '' request.base_.get(url="/posts") Responses & CallBacks ##################### OBRequests uses "CallBacks" to run functions when a status code is given. OBRequests provides predefined CallBacks, but you can easily just create your own. - json Returns phased JSON - read Returns bytes - response Returns response object - raise_for_status Raises HTTPStatusError .. code-block:: python from OBRequests import OBRequests, CallBack, Response, AnyStatus, json # Custom response what returns status_code def custom_response(resp: Response, allow: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: if kwargs["globals_"]["print_status"]: print(resp.status_code) return resp.status_code if allow else None class Requests(OBRequests): pass request = Requests( responses={ 200: CallBack(json), # Any response with status 200, return phased json. AnyStatus: CallBack(custom_response, allow=True) # Any response with any status, return status code. }, base_url="", globals_={ "print_status": True # Passed to kwargs of all callbacks } ) # Makes a get request to '' request.base_.get(url="/posts") Conditional CallBacks ********************* OBRequests provides "ConditionalCallBacks" to run different functions depending on if OBRequests is used async or sync. .. code-block:: python from OBRequests import OBRequests, ConditionalCallBack, CallBack, Response def custom_response(resp: Response, **kwargs) -> None: return resp.status_code async def a_custom_response(resp: Response, **kwargs) -> None: return resp.status_code class Requests(OBRequests): pass request = Requests( responses={ 200: ConditionalCallBack( awaiting=CallBack(a_custom_response), # This doesn't need to be an async function blocking=CallBack(custom_response) ), }, awaiting=False, # 'custom_response' will be called when status code 200 base_url="", ) # Makes a get request to '' request.base_.get(url="/posts") Route ##### What makes OBRequests unique compared to other HTTP clients is our routing & methods, what allows you to apply callbacks per route or method. .. code-block:: python from OBRequests import OBRequests, Route, CallBack, AnyStatus, BasicAuth, json class Requests(OBRequests): # Can never start or end with a '_' posts = Route( "/posts/{post_id}", responses={ 200: CallBack(json) }, path_params={ "post_id": "" }, # Maybe we want different basic auth on '/posts' auth=BasicAuth("username", "password") ) request = Requests( responses={ # Any status not defined raise for status AnyStatus: CallBack(raise_for_status) }, base_url="", ) # Returns phased JSON request.posts.get() # Raises HTTPStatusError request.posts.get(path_params={ "post_id": "404_error" }) Method ###### OBRequests lets you apply callbacks & define payloads per HTTP method too. .. code-block:: python from OBRequests import OBRequests, CallBack, Route, Delete, AnyStatus, BasicAuth, json class Requests(OBRequests): # Can never start or end with a '_' posts = Route( "/posts/{post_id}", responses={ 200: CallBack(json) }, path_params={ "post_id": "" }, methods=[ # The Delete method doesn't return json, so instead lets check the status code Delete( responses={ AnyStatus: CallBack(raise_for_status) } ) ] ) request = Requests( base_url="", ) # Returns phased JSON request.posts.get() # Raises HTTPStatusError request.posts.get(path_params={ "post_id": "404_error" })